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13 Mar 2022
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One of the coolest things about living on the Outer Banks is the return of the ospreys from their migration to points far south—Central and South America.

Admittedly coolest isn’t part of scientific jargon when it comes to describing the annual return of the osprey, but honestly it’s the best description.
Just before this little cold snap we had, the osprey parents that had taken up rescinded at Sandy Run Park in Kitty Hawk had made an appearance. Wheeling through the sky with that high pitched screech that  is their call, they could hardly be missed. But closer at hand, there was activity in the family nest.

No… it’s really doubtful if the eggs were in there yet, but the nest was being rebuilt. According to the experts, that would be the male doing most of the work to rebuild the nest. And watching them at work is amazing. it seems at times that just about anything they can grasp in their claws or beak is construction material for the nest. Branches 4’ and 5’ long are a regular part of what they haul across the sky.

Once the eggs are hatched, it’s the female that does most of the incubating. Typically there are two or three eggs.

The osprey that have returned to Sandy Run are just a few of the many that make the Outer Banks their home. There is another nest fairly close by as osprey fly in a tree above the swamp next to the Sound View Trail in Kitty Hawk Woods. It’s a bit of a trek for humans, but about three quarter of a mile by bird flight. Since osprey are somewhat territorial, that’s about the right distance.

There are also osprey platforms all along the sound from Kitty Hawk to Nags Head. And when they return to soar over the water it is a magnificent sight.

The Outer Banks is truly a place of wonder. Come and spend some time with us at Brindley Beach Vacations.