Corolla Beach - Lifeguard Stands
Lifeguard Stands in Corolla are manned from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm from Memorial Day to Labor Day. These stands are supported by 10 roving ATV units.
> Buck Island
Location: Buck Island Main Ocean Access at the end of Orion's Way, convenient to all guests staying in the Buck Island Community.
Buck Island - at Community Beach Access
> Corolla Light
Location: At the Corolla Light Pool Deck. Only guests staying in the community of Corolla Light will have access to this beach access. The lifeguard is stationed on the beach in front of the Corolla Light oceanfront community pools. This is the beach access that the community Trolley will drop guests off at near the Oceanfront activities.
Corolla Light - at Oceanfront Pool
> Corolla Village
Location: Corolla Village Road, right across from the Currituck Beach Lighthouse at this public beach access with unpaved parking area. (4x4 not needed)
Corolla Village - at Corolla Village Public Beach Access
> Ocean Hill
Location: Ocean Hill Pool Deck
> Ocean Sands
Section B beach access at the end of Sea Shell Ln is convenient to all guests staying in section B of Ocean Sands.
Ocean Sands - Section B - at Sea Shell Ln
Section D beach access at the end of Marlin is convenient to all guests staying in section D of Ocean Sands.
Ocean Sands - Section D - at Marlin Way
Section F beach access at the end of Saltspay is convenient to all guests staying in section F of Ocean Sands.
Ocean Sands - Section F - at Saltspray Ct
Section O beach access at the end of Ocean Front Arch is convenient to all guests staying in sections H, I, J, and O (Ocean Lakes) of Ocean Sands.
Ocean Sands - Section O - at Ocean Front Arch
Section P beach access at the end of Mainsail Arch is convenient to all guests staying in sections K, M, P and Q of Ocean Sands.
Ocean Sands - Section P - at Mainsail Arch
> Pine Island
Location: At the Pine Island Oceanfront community pool, in front of the Hampton Inn. No public parking unless you are a guest staying in the community of Pine Island.
Pine Island - at the South end Oceanfront Pool in front of the Hampton Inn
> The Currituck Club
Location: The Currituck County Southern Public Beach Access. This is the only public beach access that offers a bathhouse. The Currituck Club trolley drops all guests off at this beach access.
Currituck Club - at the Currituck County Southern Public Beach Access
> Villages at Ocean Hill
Location: At the Villages at Ocean Hill Oceanfront Community Pool and at Bismark Drive. Convenient to all guests staying in the community of Villages at Ocean Hill.
Villages at Ocean Hill - at the Oceanfront Community Pool
> Whalehead
Whalehead North End at Sturgeon Beach Access
Whalehead - at Sturgeon Beach Access
Whalehead North End at Herring Beach Access
Whalehead - at Herring Beach Access
Whalehead North End at Bonito Street Beach Access
Whalehead - at Bonito St. Beach Access
Whalehead South End at Sailfish Beach Access
Whalehead - at Sailfish Beach Access
Our beach utilizes a warning system - a large RED FLAG flying indicates that the currents are strong and the water is unsafe for swimming. DO NOT GO IN THE WATER - YOU PUT YOURSELF AND LIFEGUARDS AT RISK!
Local safety officials determine when such conditions exist and also make the decision as to when to take the flags down. Conditions may change during the course of the day -- pay attention!
Just because red flags are not posted does not mean the ocean is safe; there is always a risk when swimming or wading in open waters. If you are concerned about the conditions, check with a lifeguard at one of the designated lifeguard stands.
Strong rip currents can start very near the beach and carry you into deep water in seconds. They are caused by a slight depression in the beach between breaking waves. The returning water will head for the depression and soon become a dangerously strong seaward flow. If you are caught in a rip, do NOT try and swim straight back to shore. Swim parallel to shore until you feel the current weaken or let the current take you out until it weakens. Then swim back to shore at a 45-degree angle.