Duck - Lifeguard Stands
No Public Beach Accesses are located in the town of Duck, to access Lifeguard Stands, guests must be staying in the subdivision.
Lifeguards in Duck are on duty from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm between May 1 - October 31. The Town maintains lifeguard stations at various locations throughout the summer. Lifeguards also patrol our beaches on ATV's.
From May 29 through September 6: Caffey's Inlet, Sprigtail Drive, Barrier Island Station, Schooner Ridge Drive, Christopher Drive, Four Seasons Lane
From June 18 through August 6: Ocean Pines, Widgeon Drive, Scarborough Lane
From June 18 through August 9: Dune Road From June 18 through August 13: South Snow Geese, Plover Drive
> Ocean Pines
Location: Ocean Pines Drive
Ocean Pines - Ocean Pines Drive
> Caffey's Inlet
Location: Carrol Drive
Caffey's Inlet - at Carrol Drive
> Carolina Dunes
Location: Sprigtail Drive and Widgeon Drive
Carolina Dunes - at Sprigtail Drive Carolina Dunes - at Widgeon Drive
> Snow Geese
Location: Snow Geese Drive
Snow Geese - at Snow Geese Drive
> Barrier Island Station
Location: Barrier Island Station
Barrier Island Station - at the Oceanfront
> Duck Ridge Shores
Location: Dune Road
Duck Ridge Shores - at Dune Road
> Schooner Ridge
Location: Schooner Ridge Drive at the Oceanfront Pool
Schooner Ridge - at the Oceanfront Pool
> Ocean Dunes
Location: Christopher Drive
Ocean Dunes - at Christopher Drive
> Sea Pines
Location: Scarborough Lane
Sea Pines - at Scarborough Lane
> Four Seasons
Location: Four Seasons oceanfront beach access
Four Seasons - at For Seasons Lane
> Sea/Amy Acres
Location: Plover Drive
Our beach utilizes a warning system - a large RED FLAG flying indicates that the currents are strong and the water is unsafe for swimming. DO NOT GO IN THE WATER - YOU PUT YOURSELF AND LIFEGUARDS AT RISK!
Local safety officials determine when such conditions exist and also make the decision as to when to take the flags down. Conditions may change during the course of the day -- pay attention!
Just because red flags are not posted does not mean the ocean is safe; there is always a risk when swimming or wading in open waters. If you are concerned about the conditions, check with a lifeguard at one of the designated lifeguard stands.
Strong rip currents can start very near the beach and carry you into deep water in seconds. They are caused by a slight depression in the beach between breaking waves. The returning water will head for the depression and soon become a dangerously strong seaward flow. If you are caught in a rip, do NOT try and swim straight back to shore. Swim parallel to shore until you feel the current weaken or let the current take you out until it weakens. Then swim back to shore at a 45-degree angle.