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Hard to see but there is a foal in the underbrush.

The Corolla Wild Horses are back in the news. This time it’s because they are behaving like, well…wild horses. Last week we wrote about two stallions that were fighting for dominance and how dangerous it could be.

The Caro-lina being battered by the surf after beaching.

Even with modern equipment, minute by minute weather forecasts and GPS, the waters of the Outer Banks can prove treacherous. And yesterday there was another example of that as a 28’ vessel, the Caro-lina, ran ashore in the early morning hours on the north...

Donner the newest addition to the Corolla Wild Horse herd.

And another foal joins the Corolla Wild Horse herd, this one born less than a week ago. His name is Donner, German for thunder since he was born, evidently during a thunder storm.

